Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Here are some pictures of wheat harvest before the rain set in. This is Jason in the combine in front of me on the grain buggy.
"When you're the grain buggy driver the view never changes." If you look closely you can see another combine heading towards us on the left of Jason.
We were able to get some help this year, and that is R.L. fixing to dump his load onto the buggy.

OK.....can't believe that I'm going to say this, but this rain sure is a pain! We have 60 acres of alfalfa that we can't get baled and out of the field, and wheat that is too wet to get out of the field. It has been cloudy all day, everyday, since Saturday. But I guess that the bright side it is only 60 acres of alfalfa, and 100 acres of wheat. How can rain be such a blessing and a curse all at the same time? And I also can't complain too loudly knowing that the people in the Midwest would trade our problems for theirs any day!

Just a quote that I found that made me think of some women in my life!
"If a woman is sufficiently ambitious, determined and gifted - there is practically nothing she can't do." -Helen Lawrenson


Janette's Joys said...

Here I am in the midst of Central American rainforest, but seeing those pictures of the farm in good ol' Cochise just really, really started my morning out right:)

Also, I love the reminds me of several women I know...definitely including the person who blogged the quote:)

Janette's Joys said...

It is an early morning, so forgive me...what I was trying to say was that I am in the midst of the rainforest and it is beautiful, but there is just something REALLY beautiful about Cochise and all those pictures. Second times the charm in getting out a thought right?

Unknown said...

You are so right about me getting more out of vbs than the kids. The first night's lesson was about Gideon. I found a lot more insight from that story than just the trumpets I remembered from before.

I will be working on the peace...