Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bridal Shower

Today we had a bridal shower for my sister, Stacey. This is a group picture of all of us that attended. And this next picture,'s priceless!!

This is my five year old niece helping Stacey open her presents from her soon to be mother-in-law!! Poor little B will see this picture the rest of her life!

And I really don't know what I would do without friends. Thank you, Jayne, for taking pictures today!!


Janette's Joys said...

Hahahaha, poor B!!! She is probably as traumatized as I was at your bridal shower...hahaha:)

Looks like your party-throwing skills continue to be top notch!

Candice said...

Yes, you of all people can relate to how B is feeling in that picture!! But Stacey still did not get anything like what I got at my shower, and it's a good thing with B standing right there watching everything.

Unknown said...

Noone would believe those big trees and green grass could possibly be in AZ!! Beautiful!