Monday, July 13, 2009

The Cake.....from finish to start.

Blogger was putting my pictures up in a very random order! But anyway, I guess that we'll start out with the finished cake first. By the way, the post is for you Nette!

I did not get any pictures of it that night, only when I had set it up. I was fairly happy with it, but I was really happy with the taste of the cake. Rocky wanted a strawberry cake with chocolate icing, so that's what he got! And it TOWERED over the wedding cake. My sister was upset that she didn't ask me to make her wedding cake. It looked more like a child's birthday cake. I'll post pictures of it when I can.

(These next pictures are all mixed up! Sorry.) My very messy kitchen! You can't make cakes without making a huge mess.
This is part of the icing project. From here, I am going to start smoothing the sides.
This is my huge bowl of icing.
This is my cake right out of the oven.
And right before the oven.

Well, Nette, I hope this is what you were wanting!! Sorry it's backwards, but just scroll up! ;)

1 comment:

Janette's Joys said...

Thank you so much for that post!!! I am officially going to quit looking to Duff on Ace of Cakes for my cake teachings---I'm just going to learn from your blog:) That is AWESOME looking!

The only bad part is that you posted it step by step...making wish I was there for the cake batter beaters, the frosting spatula, and, of course, to EAT some of that yummy-looking cake! Haha, lucky for my waistline I'm here in humid ol' Indy just back from a run...haha:)