I live in a war zone. I live in a war zone, and I live in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Today was the first time in my life that I spent time with a family who just lost a son, a husband, a father, a friend who did not die of old age, he did not die of cancer, he did not die in a car accident, he died because he was murdered. He was murdered by a Mexican who was here illegally. He was shot as he was out checking water on HIS ranch. We live in a war zone and we live in the USA.
Every politician wants to turn their heads, close their eyes and ears to the war that happens everyday on this border. When will they wise up? When will our rights as an American citizen be more than those who come here illegally, and break our laws, take away our freedoms, and kill our neighbors? I am tired of being told that I don't count and that I do not matter.
People really don't understand what it is like to live close to the border. Our friends don't even think about leaving the house without a pistol and a rifle and they are ranchers. They live in a war zone. These are dangerous people, who are not afraid to take anyone's life so that they can continue to haul their drugs into the US.
How many lives have to be lost before Washington will stop playing games? This is not a game. And don't believe for one second that our borders our secure! That is a huge, HUGE lie. Check it out for yourself at www.borderinvasionpics.com. This is all happening in our backyard.
I have been pondering all day as to what we can do. First of all, pray. Pray for our friends and family who risk their lives everyday just by being out on their ranch. Pray for our leaders in Washington that they will finally use a little wisdom. And second, we have to voice our concerns. We can't just complain about what Washington and our state governments are deciding for us. We have to get involved.
They did not catch the man who murdered the rancher. They should have, but they did not. When will we the citizens finally say "enough is enough". Or will we have to stand by the motto of "live free or die"?
Prayer for the President of the United States
4 years ago
I agree. Enough is enough. I can't and won't stop praying. My heart breaks for them.
I too am completely sickened! You can count on me to pray.
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